Title: |
Assault on Nakonechnik Kopye [Savage Worlds Adventure Edition] |
The year is 1933, and the cold war has turned hot. In this high-flying dieselpunk adventure, players participate in a massive aerial assault on a diesel-powered sky fortress. But the fortress is not what the attackers think it is. High action, a few twists and the option to integrate your character into the plot as deeply as you wish. Participants will meet over Zoom. I will post the invite to the Zoom meeting here in the description on the day of the game. Video is recommended but not required.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/78446518274?pwd=VEp4Uk40LzBodERvZlk2a0ZvdEtMQT09
Meeting ID: 784 4651 8274 Password: 6GmhKF
If there are problems signing in, email me at: coonen.wyatt@gmail.com and we'll fix it.
Slot: |
Slot 7: Sat, Jun 20, 2020 1:00 PM - Sat, Jun 20, 2020 4:00 PM |